第一個測試 : 同時煮2碗飯+蒸雞腿一隻
用Steam Mode時不用Preheat, 210F蒸35分鐘, 飯巳經熟了, 但用筷子插入雞腿還有血水出, 所以再加蒸7分鐘. (相信下次蒸40分鐘, 10分鐘後才由烤爐中取出) 把飯及雞腿放到爐頂保温, 再來第二測試.
Test 1 : Steam Rice and Steam Chicken using with Steam Mode
Place washed rice in a container and water (ratio 1:1), clean a chicken leg and place in a dish. Put rice and chicken leg in the non-preheated oven set at Steam Mode at 210F for 35mins. Rice had been cooked, but chicken needs another 5 mins, so total 40mins all done.
用Steam Mode時不用Preheat, 210F蒸35分鐘, 飯巳經熟了, 但用筷子插入雞腿還有血水出, 所以再加蒸7分鐘. (相信下次蒸40分鐘, 10分鐘後才由烤爐中取出) 把飯及雞腿放到爐頂保温, 再來第二測試.
Test 1 : Steam Rice and Steam Chicken using with Steam Mode
Place washed rice in a container and water (ratio 1:1), clean a chicken leg and place in a dish. Put rice and chicken leg in the non-preheated oven set at Steam Mode at 210F for 35mins. Rice had been cooked, but chicken needs another 5 mins, so total 40mins all done.
第二個測試 : 烤雞腿
把雞腿用Bake/Steam Mode, 20分鐘.
Test 2 : Bake Chicken Leg
Bake Chicken with Bake /Steam Mode for 20mins. The skin is crispy and the meat is tender.
一直懷疑Steam Mode做中國菜的可行性, 經過測試一都算合格, 雖然要時間比明火煮食時間長, 但同時間可以做出2種食品真的很方便. 而用蒸汽烤雞腿外皮真的脆脆, 肉比較濕潤, 但因為我是用雞腿所以什樣做都會比較滑. 下次嘗試烤全雞看看.